Wednesday 6 June 2007

On My Birthday Eve...


Yap, yet another year has passed and am a little bit older and wiser than I was last year a time like grow fast I tell you and the beautiful ones are yet to be born... Like most of you am pretty content with the time of year that I was born in and 7 has always been considered a lucky number by I reckon am a lucky person in one way or another. So to celebrate this day with all my friends and family both close and those far and away, I saw it appropriate to dig up some photos from my hay days and share them with ya'll. This little lass was quiet a dynamite in her early days...I wonder what happened? hmm... I guess she grew up!

Me and my mum...I was about a year old.
Note the size of that biscuit!

Me at 2 years: I think my first solo studio portrait. I did my parents proud!

I think this has gotta be one of my kodak moments! I was 2 going on 3 and very, very mischievous!

What a smile!

Me at 6 I think.

"Gemini is bored easily and feels uncomfortable in an enclosed environment. Naturally bright and alert, they use a good vocabulary and enjoy learning for its own sake. Gemini has a retentive memory for facts and languages. They may skim the surface of whatever is being studied but they cover a wide territory. Easy talker, Gemini sometimes stretches the truth to make a good story. They prefer to do more than one thing at a time, but they need to learn to finish what they start."


egm said...

First off, Happy Birthday!

Second, picha zimekataa kufunguka...

Anonymous said...

Interesting.. you look just like your mum. Kwani that biscuit...heheheeh...wacha tu! Happy Birthday from another Gemini!

Anonymous said...

Hey Gal!
Been a while, I've been in some sort of daze-comma-stupor-haze state for a while. You could say I was brain dead for all the good it did me.
We've got alot to catch up on, lemme know when.
Anyway, jus wanted to wish you a blessed Happy Birthday. Am proud to know you, lets keep it that way.

Anonymous said...

Sorry i missed your bday gal - Happy Bday!, but did you jua i still have that picture of you when you look that mischievious! Hope you had fun, definately to the the good ol' days and better yet to the better ones we or you gonna have!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated (I should actually be smacked for that!)

Kumbe you's a pretty one?

Jo said...

To everyone of my friends who left a b'day comment on my page...Thanks and God Bless!I'll upload some pics of my b-day bash for ya'll!

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